Tuesday's Top 20 Headlines |
"Apple Wins Major Nike + iPod and Multi-Touch Patents""
Patently Apple 10:07 AM
"100 Quotes Every Geek Should Know" Wired 1:52 PM
"The rise of the iPhone generation: They are easy to spot and easy to pity – with a rectangular wound in their hand" The Guardian 9:01 AM
"Happy New Year from Quattro Wireless: We are thrilled to let you know that Apple has acquired Quattro. We want to share with you our excitement about this news and what it means for our customers.""
Quattro Wireless 10:38 AM
"The 3D tech behind the rumored Apple 'iSlate' tablet?""
Baltimore Sun 8:04 AM
"Apple's PR offensive against Google: In the walk-up to the Google phone, Cupertino is suddenly brimming with news""
Fortune 9:39 AM
"ClamXav review: An antivirus app for the Mac? Whatever will they think of next?" Macworld UK 8:25 AM
"Apple's App Store Downloads Top Three Billion"" [""'Three billion applications downloaded in less than 18 months—this is like nothing we've ever seen before,' said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. 'The revolutionary App Store offers iPhone and iPod touch users an experience unlike anything else available on other mobile devices, and we see no signs of the competition catching up anytime soon.'""]
Apple 8:22 AM
"Apple Tablet: Screen Cost is Hurdle Apple Can't Jump""
CIO 12:38 PM
"VMWare Fusion 3.0 vs. Parallels Desktop 5.0" Low End Mac 9:03 PM
"Apple Could Take On Google With Quattro Purchase""
Forbes 8:17 AM
"Google Nexus vs Droid vs iPhone 3GS vs Palm Pre: Total Cost of Ownership (Price Wars)" iSmashPhone iPhone Blog 2:46 PM
"Best Buy's Mac Optimization Makes Its Normal Optimizations Seem Downright Reasonable" Gizmodo 9:54 AM
"Nokia asks court to bar U.S. imports of Apple's Macs, iPhones, iPods: Files second patent infringement suit; asks court to block most Apple hardware from entering U.S." Computerworld 8:02 AM
"Henry Blodget blows it: 'Hey, Apple, wake up, it's happening again" MacDailyNews 10:20 AM
"Not an iPhone or Macbook. Apple's Tablet will offer a new experience" ZDNet Blogs 8:34 AM