"New Microsoft Ad: I'm a Mac, but I'm Listening" ["CP&B was brought on to take a little wind out of Apple's sales (intended), but it remains to be seen what kind of listening Mac users will be capable of. We're an elite bunch. The agency is known for recharging sagging brands through sharp, unconventional brashness, typically inventing memorable new themes or characters in the process. To get PC users feeling less inadequate, and Mac users less mighty, it will take a gifted campaign."] The Huffington Post 8:41 AM
"Digging Deeper: The high concept of Apple's long-running 'Get a Mac' TV campaign is that the characters portrayed by John Hodgman and Justin Long are personified computers. It's right there in the opening lines of every ad in the series: 'Hello, I'm a Mac.' 'And I'm a PC.' Hodgman is not 'Windows'; Long is not Mac OS X. They are not representative or average PC/Mac users. They are computers." Daring Fireball 2:32 PM
"Apple store draws core following" BBC 10:28 AM
"Apple recalls iPhone 3G power adapter, but replacements not ready until October 10" iTWire 9:13 AM
"Apple recalls iPhone 3G power adaptors" Reg Hardware 9:17 AM
"Apple recalls iPhone adaptors: Ultracompact plugs prone to breakage" vnunet.com 8:08 AM
"Apple to exchange faulty iPhone power adapters: They were supplied with 3G iPhones sold in the US, Japan, Canada, Mexico and Latin American countries" Reuters 8:20 AM
"Is Apple stealing ideas from iPhone developers?" iPhone Atlas 8:08 AM
"Should Apple take a chance with music subscriptions?" CNET News.com 9/19
"Coca-Cola Remains World's Best Global Brand: Table" ["Apple #24 with a brand value worth $13.724 billion"] Bloomberg 9/19
"iPhone Apps Policy Stirs Discontent: Still no word from Apple on its criteria for rejecting certain applications." InternetNews.com 9/19
"5 reasons why Apple should build its own iPhone SoC (and 5 why it won't last)" TG Daily 9/19
"Why Apple Needs to Deliver New Macs Next Tuesday" Cult of Mac 9/19