Analysis/Commentary/Editorial/Opinion | |
"Journals week in review: Apple news from Infinite Loop" Ars Technica 10:31 AM
"11 things we really hate about Apple iTunes" PC Advisor 10:11 AM
"Softpedia Recommended Mac Apps of the Week" Softpedia 10:04 AM
"Notes to iPhone syncing on the way?" Appletell 10:02 AM
"iPhone App Rundown" G4 10:26 AM
"Great Review Site For iPhone Apps" TechCrunch 9:56 AM
"Secret Confessions of an iPhone 3G Owner" ExtremeTech 8/15
"Dell's secret plan to topple iTunes: gibberish" Inner Daemon 8/15
"Dell's new plan is music to your fears" MacUser 8/15
"Are Macs More Expensive? Let's Do the Math Once and For All"
Technologizer 8/15
"ABC News, Associated Press propagate iPhone FUD" MacDailyNews 8/15
"Business Week has an article on iPhone 3G problems that they say are attributed to an Infineon chip." MacInTouch 8/15
"Apple sends the wrong signal to iPhone customers"
Macworld 8/15
"Apple's 'Crazy Ones' to Deliver Something Off-the-Charts!"
MacNN 8/15
"iPhone Sheds Light on Weakness of Japanese Handset Makers"
Tech-On! 8/15
"Mac Bloggers Get Dropped, Get Apps, Get 48 Hours" MacNewsWorld 8/15
"Nancy's Nightmare Over?" Rixstep 8/15
"Is Apple banking on HSBC to solve the iPhone keyboard conundrum?"
iTWire 8/15
"What happens if you break your iPhone 3G?" 8/15
"iPhone One Dropped Call Away From Perfection?" Minyanville 8/15
"Will Apple iPhone 3G software update fix reception problems?" Phones Review 8/15
"iPhone 3G Connectivity" Rixstep 8/15
Non-Apple |
"Does Google want to expand Android to non-cellphone platforms?" CrunchGear 10:24 AM
"Rogers ensures BlackBerry no iPhone killer with Bold pricing" iTWire 9:34 AM
"Frontier Daze: When it comes to the Internet we still have to defend ourselves." I, Cringely 8/15
"Video-Game Industry Sales Slow In July: Still, the industry as a whole is on track to achieve record-breaking revenues of more than $22 billion for the year, according to analyst researchers with NPD." InformationWeek 8/15
"The End Run Around the Operating System Is Under Way" Seeking Alpha 8/15
"Seven Client OSes That Could Replace Windows" eWeek 8/15
"Search - The 10 Most Innovative Web Search Engines" ["Slideshow"] eWeek 8/15
"Need a lesson in picking the perfect back-to-school PC? There are more options than ever, making the task all that much tougher" The Globe and Mail 8/15
"The Web Computer: Closed, Secure, and Tightly Controlled" ReadWriteWeb 8/15
"Download 'Burnout,' Kill Used Game Sales?" PC Magazine 8/15
"IT executives seek pastures new: New research shows nearly 200 IT executives left the UK to find employment abroad last year" 8/15
"Supply Chain Management Enterprise Software: And Then There Was None" Seeking Alpha 8/15
"T-Mobile and Android: iAm Glad iDidn't Buy the iPhone" PC World 8/15
"First Google Android phone sighting reveals awkward iPhone rival" AppleInsider 8/15
Humor/Cartoons |
"Windows System 7 'nothing like' Macintosh System 7 says Ballmer" The Spoof! 8:33 PM
"Bigfoot Found! Mac Tablet May Be Among Artifacts" Cult of Mac 8/15
"Rumor: Fake Steve Jobs Spotted At Bay Area Open Mic Night" iPhone Savior 8/15