General Interest/Potpourri | |
"Commercial casting call: anyone named Steve Jobs; any age, ethnicity, or type, anywhere in USA" MacDailyNews 9:32 AM
"Abilene Christian University giving all incoming freshman Apple iPhone 3Gs or iPod touches" MacDailyNews 10:29 AM
"Apple computers bring new technology to Mandarin school: Crown Point Elementary gets wired for Macs." Mandarin Sun 10:28 AM
"Apple's iTunes Store pays tribute to Isaac Hayes" Ars Technica 10:30 AM
"Eight ways the iMac changed computing: Ten years after it shipped, we celebrate the impact of Apple's all-in-one desktop"
Macworld 8/15
"iMac performance evolves through the years: The iMac has come a long way in the last decade"
Macworld 8/15
"10 Years of Cuddly, Friendly iMacs" Wired 8/15
"Week in review: Static on the iPhone line" CNET 8/15
"French carrier SFR to give 460€ back when buying an unlocked iPhone" HardMac 8/15
"iPhone 3G Available Online For Business Customers: AT&T's Premier Enterprise Web site is now selling Apple's popular handset online for $199 and $299 with a two-year contract." InformationWeek 8/15
"Sega eye off iPhone: Sega will increasingly turn to a more casual relationship with its customers, looking to platforms such as Facebook and iPhone to capture market share according to North American president Simon Jeffery" iTWire 8/15
"Abilene Christian University giving all incoming freshman 3G iPhones or iPod Touches" Dallas Morning News 8/15
"Amazon thinks Apple makes lean, green machines" MacUser 8/15
Non-Apple News |
"Google, 10 years in: big, friendly giant or a greedy Goliath?" The Observer 8:36 PM
"Sony plans no PS3 price cuts at Leipzig games fair" Reuters 8/15
"PayPal wants to double its employment in Austin: Many of the online payment company's 200 people here develop software." Austin American-Statesman 8/15
"Mars robots begin test campaign" BBC 8/15
"Incubating 'Spore' The Wright Way" 8/15
"Meet The EvaPhone: Watch Some Ads, Make Free International VoIP Calls: The global calling service requires just a broadband Internet connection and a headset to make free international calls from a Web browser." InformationWeek 8/15
"T-Mobile USA to sell phone with Google software: report" MarketWatch 8/15
Publications |
"The MacReviewcast #173: Exposure 2, Noise Ninja, Freeware" SurfBits 1:47 PM
"Podcast -Mac Geek Gab #164: Defrag, iPod Syncing Issues, MobileMe Time Zones, Shortcuts, & New Media Expo" The Mac Observer 8/15
"Tom Merritt: How to 'jail-break' the iPhone and unleash the full OS" TechRepublic 8/15
"Apple Gazette Daily 327 - iMac turns 10! Phishing Scam targets MobileMe Users and More!" Apple Gazette 8/15
"MacVoices at New Media Expo: David Chmura of humbledaisy Describes Converting Your Presentations into Podcasts with ProfCast" MacVoices 8/15