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AMD Earnings Call Reveals Possible Windows 10 Launch Month

Category: Operating Systems
Posted: 01:01AM

During AMD's recent earnings call, an interesting piece of information slipped out concerning Microsoft's upcoming Windows 10. According to AMD's CEO, Lisa Su, Windows 10 is expected to arrive by the end of July, which is something the company believes may delay back-to-school deals/bundles/promotions. This is the first time anything definitive has been associated with the release of Windows 10, as so far Microsoft has only said a summer release is likely. The end of July would certainly put it within that time frame, and would mean the arrival of DirectX 12, Project Spartan, and an overall unified OS, plus hopefully one more friendly to gamers. We'll just have to see if this proves to be true and how soon Microsoft will come out with some kind of statement concerning the release, but either way, we shouldn't have too much more to go to get our hands on Windows 10.

Source: WCCFtech

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