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Ars Technicast, Ep. 33: What we talk about when we talk about iPhones

We dig into the new iPhone 5S and 5C announcement, as well as iOS7.

Ars Technicast, Ep. 33: What we talk about when we talk about iPhones

On Tuesday Apple announced two new versions of its iPhone line: the colorful 5C (a sleeker revamp of features in the current iPhone 5) and the iPhone 5S, which includes a finger print scanner and other new features. Apple also announced September 18 as the release date for iOS 7.

In this episode of the Ars Technicast, Senior Products Specialist Andrew Cunningham visits the virtual studio to tell us what he thinks of the new iPhones, which he personally played with on Tuesday. Editor at Large Jacqui Cheng also comes back to this episode to provide some analysis on Apple’s iPhone strategy, and we find out what she thinks of the 5S’ new fingerprint scanner.

Our discussion covers business strategy, industrial design, and the future of iOS. And then we hit the big question: what kind of impact will the gold iPhone 5S have? Will users want it? Some of our preferences and predictions will surprise you.

Join hosts Social Editor Cesar Torres and Ars Writer Casey Johnston in this episode of the Technicast.

What did you think about the new iPhones and their specs? Will you be upgrading? Share your thoughts and ideas with us below.


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