Can Romney's VP Announcement App Really Beat Twitter?

The Romney campaign doesn't have the most stellar track record with smart phone apps (remember Amercia?), but it nonetheless plans to announce his vice-presidential pick via app, even though you can rest assured it will leak out on Twitter first.

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The Romney campaign doesn't have the most stellar track record with smart phone apps (remember Amercia?), but it nonetheless plans to announce his vice-presidential pick via app, even though you can rest assured it will leak out on Twitter first. The campaign introduced an app on Tuesday specifically for Romney's vice president announcement, which is expected sometime after the Olympics. However, it will be a modern miracle of secrecy if you actually get the news via push notification instead of Twitter or cable news. After all, when President Barack Obama tried to use the latest (but not too latest) thing by texting his announcement of Joe Biden as his running mate in 2008, the news leaked to reporters hours earlier. And reporters these days tend to splash their scoops on Twitter, or at least pass around breaking news there. The Romney campaign has already shown its prone to leaking this kind of information, with Reuters scooping the short list and The New York Times reporting Romney had already made his choice. But, you might as well get the app anyway if you want to read or hear the campaign's official announcement, but don't expect it to actually break the news.

This article is from the archive of our partner The Wire.