OS X Isn't as Secure as Everyone Claims It Is

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For the past decade or so, many have been quick to argue about how much more secure, stable and virus-free OS X is than Windows. But in light of the Flashback malware, many are reconsidering that stance. Trend Micro, a long time developer of anti-virus and anti-malware software, put together a report of virus trends, and In it, they cite security firm Mitre, who claim that OS X had more reported vulnerabilities than anyone else. Welp!

Apple was said to have 91 reported vulnerabilities between January 2012 and March 2012. Granted, many of those vulnerabilities were isolated to a single program, Safari, and the vast majority of those vulnerabilities have been patched. But still, it just goes to show that OS X isn't as irreproachable as it may seem. [Trend Micro via Macworld UK, via Cult of Mac]

