What Is a Smartphone? A Mobile Phone and Computer in One Device

What Is a Smartphone?

A smartphone is a handheld electronic device that provides a connection to a cellular network. Smartphones were introduced to the world in 1994 by IBM but have since expanded to include companies like Apple and Samsung. Although they were originally meant to allow individuals to communicate via phone and email, smartphones now allow people to access the internet, play games, and send text messages in addition to making phone calls and sending emails.

Key Takeaways

  • A smartphone is a handheld electronic device that provides a connection to a cellular network and the internet.
  • The world's first smartphone was created by IBM in 1994, nicknamed Simon.
  • The introduction of smartphones dramatically altered the telecommunications sector.
  • Smartphones were considered the death knell of the prototypical cell phone.
  • The popularity of smartphones has also created business opportunities outside of the development of operating systems and the construction of device hardware.

Understanding the Smartphone

The world's first smartphone was created by IBM in 1994. Nicknamed Simon, the smartphone included revolutionary features including a touchscreen, email, and built-in apps including a calculator and a sketch pad. Cellular phone functionality has continued to improve since then, especially in the years after 2000. By 2007, Apple (AAPL) released its groundbreaking iPhone. When iPhone 3G was released in 2008, there were more than 3.6 billion mobile connections around the world.

Before the inclusion of internet browsing on mobile phones, network operators relied on the fee structure that they relied on for decades—calling another line cost a certain flat rate and sending a text message cost another flat rate. The introduction of smartphones dramatically altered the telecommunications sector. While cell phones were considered the death knell of land-based phones, smartphones were considered the death knell of the prototypical cell phone.

Once consumers understood that they could interact with smartphone-based applications, such as messaging apps and games, the demand for cell phones that did not offer that functionality would plummet. The demand for cell phones that lacked the functionality of smartphones plummeted in developed economies.

It's estimated that more than five billion people have mobile devices, which represents approximately 94% of the population of advanced economies and 83% of emerging economies, according to Pew Research Center.


The percentage of the American adult population that reported to have a smartphone, as of 2023.

Changes in the Cost of Smartphones

The processing power and capabilities of smartphones have increased over time thanks to the proliferation of mobile technology and Moore's Law. The first handheld cellphone, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, cost a whopping $11,000 in today's currency.

Although improvements in manufacturing have made smartphones more affordable, prices have also increased due to the scarcity of rare earth minerals used in creating computer chips. For instance, the worldwide average cost of a smartphone reached a peak of $304 in 2021, falling to $285 in 2024. Prices may be lower, but they're still not cheap. That isn't affecting demand, though.

Apple, for example, commands a premium for its iPhone devices, with much of that being the result of Apple being a well-known and trusted brand. The market considered the introduction of the iPhone to be the savior of Apple as a company, as its computer sales and revenue lagged in the years leading to the device’s launch. Other companies use white labels in order to spread their technology.

Smartphone price changes are linked to increased demand for specific smartphone brands and improved technology, as these devices have more storage and memory than computers.

Impact on Social Media

The popularity of smartphones has also created business opportunities outside of the development of operating systems and the construction of device hardware. The creation of smartphone software applications, or apps, has become a multibillion-dollar industry.

Apps are downloaded to a smartphone via a store, which is controlled by the company that has created the operating system that the smartphone uses. In many cases, apps are free to download, but in some cases, there is a fee. Application developers may include advertisements in the app content once opened or may sell products through the app.

One of the major beneficiaries of the rise in smartphone adoption has been social networks, such as Meta (META), formerly Facebook. Being able to log into a social network account from a smartphone has increased the number of hours that people spend on the network, which has dramatically increased network revenue. The behavior of smartphone users has, in some cases, been the driving factor in the changes to social networks that were once dominated by people using their personal computers for access.

The increasing prevalence of smartphones has negatively impacted some industries, particularly companies that manufactured digital cameras. Most smartphones have picture-taking capabilities that rival standard digital cameras, but, unlike digital cameras, also have the ability to interact with other smartphone apps readily, and the internet. Some smartphone apps compete with technologies that were once limited to personal computers such as calculators, web browsers, alarm clocks, documents, and notepads.

What Is the Most Popular Smartphone?

Apple's iPhones are among the most popular smartphone models. In 2023, seven of the top 10 bestselling smartphone models were all iPhones, according to a report by Digital Trends.

What Is the Most Affordable Smartphone?

The Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy are among the most price-efficient smartphone brands, according to consumer reviews by CNET. You may also be able to find a bargain by looking for after-market phones.

What's the Best Way to Sell an Old Smartphone?

You can functional smartphones on aftermarket sites like Facebook Marketplace or eBay. There are also marketplaces specifically for smartphones and computers, such as Swappa. As with any online sale, it is important to prepare for possible scams and be aware of the risks of trading on third-party sites.

The Bottom Line

Originally a niche technological luxury, smartphones have evolved into one of the most consequential consumer technologies of the 21st century. By putting internet access and mobile connectivity within arm's reach, smartphones have revolutionized the way that people interact with one another.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. World Economic Forum. "IBM Created the World's First Smartphone 25 Years Ago."

  2. Apple. "Apple Reinvents the Phone With iPhone."

  3. GSMA Intelligence. "Quarterly World Review: Q2 2008."

  4. Pew Research Center. "Smartphone Ownership Is Growing Rapidly Around the World, but Not Always Equally."

  5. Consumer Affairs. "How Many Americans Own a Smartphone?"

  6. National Museum of American History. "Dynatac Cellular Telephone."

  7. CPI Inflation Calculator. "Value of $4,000 from 1983 to 2022."

  8. Statista. "Average Smartphone Price Worldwide From 2018 to 2028."

  9. Apple. "Form 10-K," Page 56.

  10. Business of Apps. "App Data Report Q3 2021."

  11. Digital Trends. "The Top 7 Bestselling Smartphones of 2023 Were All...You Guessed It..."

  12. CNET. "Best Cheap Phone for 2024: Most Value for the Money."

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