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How to Create a Virtual Home Button on the iPhone X That Really Works

Using the iPhone X means relearning almost everything you knew about navigating in iOS. That’s because Apple removed the Home button, replacing that nice tactile input with a bunch of new swipes and gestures.

If your muscle memory has you reaching for a Home button that’s no longer there, or you just miss it, there’s a solution. PhoneArena came up with a clever trick for bringing back the Home button on the iPhone X—sort of.

How to Add a Home Button to the iPhone X

PhoneArena’s trick makes use of Apple’s AssistiveTouch feature, which was created for people with motor skill impairments who can’t use the iPhone’s physical buttons. It’s also useful if your power or home button breaks and you need another way to navigate.

Assistive Touch puts a small circular button anywhere on your screen at all times. You can press it to access a bunch of different functions, like turning on voice controls, checking your notifications or returning to the home screen. In this case “Home” is the only option we want.

To set up Assistive Touch, go into Settings, then General and then Accessibility. Select AssistiveTouch and toggle it on. Then select “Customize Top Level Menu” and tap on the minus sign until there’s only one icon remaining. Tap on that final icon to pull up a list of options and hit “Home.” Finally, go back to AssistiveTouch settings, tap on “Idle Opacity” and put it at 20 percent so the virtual button won’t be a distraction when it’s not being used.

Now that you’ve created your virtual home button, just drag it to the bottom center of the iPhone X display and leave it there. The next time you automatically reach for the Home button out of habit, it will actually work.