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Wednesday's Top 20 Headlines
  • "Apple releases Mac OS X 10.4.11 Update for Tiger users" AppleInsider 5:34 PM
  • "Road to Mac Office 2008: Word '08 vs Pages 3.0"  AppleInsider 9:14 AM
  • "Music boss: we were wrong to go to war with consumer/The boss of Warner Music has made a rare public confession that the music industry has to take some of the blame for the rise of p2p file sharing." ["Bronfman suggested that mobile companies have much to learn from Apple, despite being critical of and iTunes in the past."] MacUser (UK) 8:29 AM
  • "Poll: In a fight between Vista, OS X, Linux, XP...: ... which OS is top dog for readers?" 9:10 AM
  • "Poll: nine out of 10 voters say no to Apple iPhone" PC Advisor 8:30 AM
  • "I've Been Attacked by a Leopard: It's now been about 2 weeks since I installed Apple's Leopard on my two Macs, and without a doubt this upgrade is the worst OS upgrade experience I've ever had."  Rob Hyndman 8:39 AM
  • "Leopard mauls competition, takes half Japan retail market: Apple's new Leopard operating system took a sizable bite of the Japanese retail operating system market during October and accounted for over half of all sales of packaged operating system software despite being on sale for only the last six days of the month." InfoWorld 10:55 AM
  • "Entirely new product at Macworld?" LoopRumors 10:42 AM
  • "Patent suit targets Apple, US cellphone and computer makers: A Delaware firm named AutoText Technologies claims that Apple and virtually all of the US electronics industry is infringing on a patent for the concept of a computer-based transcription device."  AppleInsider 7:43 AM
  • "Apple iMac: Still the Desktop Star/A minimalist redesign, a zippy new OS, and terrific new software make the iMac the all-in-one desktop computer of choice for multimedia lovers" BusinessWeek 8:01 AM
  • "Warner Music chief has epiphany, praises Apple" AppleInsider 3:21 PM
  • "Wishing and Hoping in the Apple Store Aisles: 'The iPod continues to be what drives Apple to new heights,' JupiterResearch analyst Michael Gartenberg told MacNewsWorld. 'Each time they refresh that product line, they manage to meet or exceed already high expectations. It goes into this holiday season with a very deep and complete product line.'"  MacNewsWorld 7:25 AM
  • "My New Zune : Thoughts from an iPod Junkie/Yesterday morning I replaced my iPod with a new Zune 2. I've owned 4 iPods over the years, and I've always loved them. When the first Zunes released, I wasn't tempted at all to replace my trusty iPod. That all changed when I heard of the new features in Zune 2, and after using the new Zune for a day, I am convinced that it's hands-down better than what Apple offers."  Cheshire's Blog 8:28 AM
  • "Want to Download Bento? Don't Use a .Mac Email Address" Creative's Corner 7:11 AM
  • "Turn off Translucent Menu Bar in Leopard" Steve Miner 9:00 AM


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