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MacSurfer's Archive: Saturday, August 16, 2008


  • "Apple's AppStore closes in on $500m in software sales: Bonanza for some, kill switch for others"  The Register 9:57 AM
  • "FAQ: iPhone 3G reception -- What's the problem? Complaints of dropped calls, weak signals and slow data speeds reach critical mass" Computerworld 8:23 PM
  • "Apple Moves to Fix Problem Of Dropped Calls on iPhone: Apple Inc. is working on a software fix for its new iPhone 3G to remedy dropped phone calls that some users are experiencing, according to people familiar with the matter." ["'It's not about whether you have problems or don't have them,' said Ken Dulaney, a mobile analyst at research firm Gartner Inc. 'It's how quickly you address them that matters. If Apple addresses them, people will cut them slack.'"] 8/15
  • "Dropped calls plague iPhone 3G, and not just in U.S." ["The bad news: If a simple software fix isn't feasible, Apple could be forced to issue a worldwide recall. Such a step would be costly and time-consuming.It would also leave Apple, inevitably, with a prominent black eye, Entner says. ... 'In all likelihood, they won't have to do a product recall,' he says, adding, 'It depends how big the problem is.'"]  USA Today 8/15
  • "Apple works on iPhone connection problem" Telegraph 8/15
  • "Apple prepping patch for 'problematic 3G' iPhone?" Reg Hardware 8/15
  • "iPhone 3G Problems Appear Centered on Big Cities: Reports continue to flood in from U.S. iPhone 3G users about problems with 3G connections and speeds. The problems tend to come from large metropolitan areas, but one informal survey points to the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles." NewsFactor 8/15
  • "Infineon chip causing problems on iPhone: reports" Reuters 8/15
  • "Apple Rushing to Fix iPhone 3G Glitch: Report/Tech reporter Rob Holmes says that even if the iPhone runs smoothly with a software upgrade, AT&T's network could still have trouble supporting so many 3G connections." TheStreet TV 8/15
  • "Apple Silent on Customers' iPhone Problems" ABCNews 8/15
  • "Slow Optus credits iPhone 3G users for woes: Optus is giving 'goodwill credits' to iPhone 3G customers suffering reception problems and slow data speeds, but new reports say a software fix is on the way." Melbourne Age 8/15
  • "Hills and weather blamed for NZ iPhone woes: Hills, building heights, and even the weather can affect coverage of the Apple iPhone, Vodafone NZ has conceded." Stuff 8/15
  • "China Mobile: In Talks With Apple On IPhone; No Deal Reached"  Dow Jones 8/15
  • "Dell vs. Apple: Why It May Be Personal/Former Apple vet Tim Bucher, now at Dell, is counting on his Zing software to give iTunes some competition" ["He won't challenge Apple head on, with iPod knockoffs or a Dell version of the iTunes music store. Instead, Bucher's 120-person team is trying to create a potent alliance among Apple's many rivals, from cell-phone makers and record labels to online music sites."]  BusinessWeek 8/15
  • "Apple fire caused $2 million in damage, fire dept. says" Macworld 8/15
  • "Goodbye, Eudora; hello, Apple Mail: Jeff Carlson gives the Eudora e-mail program the boot and finds there's much to like about Apple's Mail program." Seattle Times 9:56 AM
  • "MobileMe Users Targeted in Phishing Scam" ReadWriteWeb 8/15
  • "Oracle Reports More Than 23,000 Downloads Of Its iPhone Apps: While Apple iPhone apps have a small presence in the business world, IT execs at Disney, Genentech, and Kraft are endorsing the iPhone." InformationWeek 8/15
  • "Apps Bring Video Broadcasting To iPhone 3G: Qik and Flixwagon will allow users to stream live video from the smartphone over the Web, but only if the iPhone 3G is 'jailbroken'." InformationWeek 8/15
  • "Turn by Turn GPS Navigation for iPhone Coming?" Mac Rumors 8/15
  • "Security Update 2008-005 (#3): Safari crashes; Apps will not launch; Update fails; more" MacFixIt 8/15
  • "Office 2008 12.1.2 (#2): More fixes for problems installing; Word bugs" MacFixIt 8/15
  • "I use OS X 10.4.11 on my iMac G5 and iBook G4.: I have been successfully been using the .Mac Sync process, until now." MacInTouch 8/15
  • "Bugs & Fixes: Fixing a Spotlight search failure" Macworld 8/15
  • "Workaround and Apple acknowledgement of 'access_denied' printing error with Leopard 10.5.4" MacWindows 8/15
  • "Reader report on VirtualBox 1.6.2 and 1.6.4: speed good, but not with graphics" MacWindows 8/15
  • "Reader success with workaround for Boot Camp insufficient drive space issue" MacWindows 8/15
  • "Random crashes in Win XP in Boot Camp" MacWindows 8/15
  • "iPhone screen capture: With the new 2.0 firmware, you can take a screen capture using an easy key combo. Just hold down the home button and press the power button briefly. If you hold it for several seconds, the phone will soft reset, but if you just press and release, you'll see the screen flash and an image will be stored in your photos folder." Electronics Infoline 10:12 AM
  • "Quick Tip: Enable USB Sound Devices" Maciverse 9:03 PM
  • "Inside MobileMe: Web 3 and Web client-server apps" AppleInsider 8/15
  • "Streamtime review: Get to grips with managing your time, quotes and invoices" Macworld UK 8/15
  • "Organize your life the open source way" thriftmac 8/15
  • "Macsimum Migration Kit: dance studio management software" Macsimum News 8/15
  • "Use an AppleScript to force a desktop picture change" Macworld 8/15
  • "What iDVD '08 Compression Options Really Mean" Mac OS X Hints 8/15
  • "When RSS Is So Cool, Why Is Apple Mail So Lame?" rtfa 8/15
  • "Apple Opportunity #2 - The iPhone OS" Cell Canada 8/15
  • "Apple Opportunity #1 - An OS Inflection Point?" Cell Canada 8/15
  • "SIGGRAPH Feature: Architosh Talks to Robert McNeel About Rhino for Mac and More..." Architosh 8/15
  • "The end run around the OS is underway: The operating system may be losing its luster. In fact, you could argue that the operating system–Linux, OS X and Windows–will become an application that just happens to boot first. And hardware vendors are on to the OS's diminishing importance."  ZDNet Blogs: Between the Lines 8/15
  • "Apple's new 'Mobile Me'...I hate it...can you convince me to keep it?"  FOXNews: Gretawire 8/15
  • "Why I'm Leaving MobileMe (Hint: It's Not the Botched Launch)"  My First Mac 8/15
Press Releases
  • "Reference Tracker is an indispensable tool for writers, researchers or students. It creates documents that store all the citations and references in an essay, research project or book. It automatically creates Harvard or APA (American Psychological Association) formatted reference lists to insert into your writing when needed." Malkinware 8:01 PM
  • "Xero set to make Mac users passionate about online accounting software" 10:25 AM
  • "Lock up your Mac with a USB security key: Software uses unique identifier on any USB drive" TechRadar UK 10:14 AM
  • "iTaskX improves MS Project compatibility" Macworld 8/15
  • "XChange Announce Release of Bookletizer and MediaBoxXT for Quark 8" prMac 8/15
  • "XChange Announce Release of OpenNow Pro XT for QuarkXPress 8" prMac 8/15
  • "SuperMegaUltraGroovy and toastycode Announce TapeDeck 1.1" prMac 8/15
General Interest/Potpourri
  • "Commercial casting call: anyone named Steve Jobs; any age, ethnicity, or type, anywhere in USA" MacDailyNews 9:32 AM
  • "Abilene Christian University giving all incoming freshman Apple iPhone 3Gs or iPod touches" MacDailyNews 10:29 AM
  • "Apple computers bring new technology to Mandarin school: Crown Point Elementary gets wired for Macs." Mandarin Sun 10:28 AM
  • "Apple's iTunes Store pays tribute to Isaac Hayes" Ars Technica 10:30 AM
  • "Eight ways the iMac changed computing: Ten years after it shipped, we celebrate the impact of Apple's all-in-one desktop"  Macworld 8/15
  • "iMac performance evolves through the years: The iMac has come a long way in the last decade"  Macworld 8/15
  • "10 Years of Cuddly, Friendly iMacs" Wired 8/15
  • "Week in review: Static on the iPhone line" CNET 8/15
  • "French carrier SFR to give 460€ back when buying an unlocked iPhone" HardMac 8/15
  • "iPhone 3G Available Online For Business Customers: AT&T's Premier Enterprise Web site is now selling Apple's popular handset online for $199 and $299 with a two-year contract." InformationWeek 8/15
  • "Sega eye off iPhone: Sega will increasingly turn to a more casual relationship with its customers, looking to platforms such as Facebook and iPhone to capture market share according to North American president Simon Jeffery" iTWire 8/15
  • "Abilene Christian University giving all incoming freshman 3G iPhones or iPod Touches" Dallas Morning News 8/15
  • "Amazon thinks Apple makes lean, green machines" MacUser 8/15
Non-Apple News
  • "Google, 10 years in: big, friendly giant or a greedy Goliath?" The Observer 8:36 PM
  • "Sony plans no PS3 price cuts at Leipzig games fair" Reuters 8/15
  • "PayPal wants to double its employment in Austin: Many of the online payment company's 200 people here develop software." Austin American-Statesman 8/15
  • "Mars robots begin test campaign" BBC 8/15
  • "Incubating 'Spore' The Wright Way" 8/15
  • "Meet The EvaPhone: Watch Some Ads, Make Free International VoIP Calls: The global calling service requires just a broadband Internet connection and a headset to make free international calls from a Web browser." InformationWeek 8/15
  • "BlackBerry Bold expected to arrive in U.S. on Sept. 15" Associated Press 8/15
  • "T-Mobile USA to sell phone with Google software: report" MarketWatch 8/15
  • "The MacReviewcast #173: Exposure 2, Noise Ninja, Freeware" SurfBits 1:47 PM
  • "Podcast -Mac Geek Gab #164: Defrag, iPod Syncing Issues, MobileMe Time Zones, Shortcuts, & New Media Expo" The Mac Observer 8/15
  • "Tom Merritt: How to 'jail-break' the iPhone and unleash the full OS" TechRepublic 8/15
  • "Apple Gazette Daily 327 - iMac turns 10! Phishing Scam targets MobileMe Users and More!" Apple Gazette 8/15
  • "MacVoices at New Media Expo: David Chmura of humbledaisy Describes Converting Your Presentations into Podcasts with ProfCast" MacVoices 8/15
  • "Apple iPhone 3G available online at AT&T: Business only though" Phones Review 10:30 AM
  • "New 'Clip and Go' Wireless Notebook Mouse From Logitech; MacBook Air To Get Full-Sized Penryn CPUs and Larger Drives?" PowerBook Central 8/15
  • "Mac Prices in Context, Macs Best for Microsoft Office, Macs Surge in Education, and More" Low End Mac 8/15
  • "Today's iPhone 3G report looks at some teething problems that are being traced back to a custom hardware chip, along with application issues, etc." MacInTouch 8/15
Price Trackers/Deals
  • "Jewel Quest III: Buy at a 40% discount. Promo runs today only." MacUpdate Promo 9:35 AM
  • "MacBook Air - Up To $800 Off - Free iPod For Education" MacReviewZone 10:32 AM
  • "MacBook Prices - Currently Shipping - Up To $230 Off - Free iPod For Education" MacReviewZone 10:16 AM
  • "iPod Touch DealZone ... Up To $150 Off" MacReviewZone 1:45 PM
  • "Mac Pro Refurbished Deals - Save Up To $750" MacReviewZone 12:29 PM
  • "Seven refurbished items were restocked in the US Apple Store including the MacBook 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - White for $999 and the $679 Mac mini, 60 items were unchanged, and two were sold out." While Supplies Last 9:35 AM
  • "RAGE WebCrusher: Buy at a 40% discount. Promo runs today only." MacUpdate Promo 8/15
  • "17'' MacBook Pro Prices & Current Bundles" MacPrices 8/15
  • "15'' MacBook Pro Prices & Current Bundles" MacPrices 8/15
  • "13'' MacBook Prices & Current Bundles" MacPrices 8/15
  • "In The US Apple Store three refurbished items were restocked, 61 were unchanged including numerous colors of the iPod shuffle 1GB for $39, and three were sold out." While Supplies Last 8/15
  • "iMac Refurbished DealZone -Intel iMacs Up To $750 Off" MacReviewZone 8/15
  • "MacBook Pros -Up To $500 Off -Free iPod For Education" MacReviewZone 8/15
  • "Apple Refurbished Product Watch.... Displays Up To $700 Off" MacReviewZone 8/15

  • "Battle of the lightweight contenders" 10:27 AM
  • "App Store Review: Simplify Media" 9:36 AM
  • "Tech review: Three kinds of external batteries keep iPhones ringing and singing" Dallas Morning News 8/15
  • "16 Channel, RAID 6, Bootable, SAS Controller -A Review of the Areca ARC-1680ix-12 PCI-Express to SAS/SATA RAID Controller" AMUG 8/15
  • "Stay-at-home mobile accessories" Macworld 8/15
  • "Charles Moore Reviews Kensington ShareCentral USB Device Sharing Hub For Home Users" Applelinks 8/15
  • "DriveStation Combo 4 review: External storage device offers decent capacities at a reasonable price" Macworld UK 8/15
  • "X560n review: Difficult scanner set-up and mediocre output but boy is it fast" Macworld UK 8/15
  • "Review: Epocrates Rx for iPhone" Macworld 8/15
  • "Review: Secret keeper apps for the iPhone/Apps make sure your secret data stays that way" Macworld 8/15
  • "Ten iPhone App Developers Worth Caring About" iLounge 8/15
  • "Reviews: MacSoft Drop Point: Alaska" MacNN 8/15
  • "On disabling voicemail on the iPhone" Ars Technica 8:50 PM
  • "How to Use Qik to Video Record With Your iPhone" ReadWriteWeb 8:35 PM
  • "Connect your Mac to the Internet via your iPhone Data connection (Tether)" 11:05 AM
  • "Animate the Splash Using Photoshop and After Effects" Layers Magazine 8/15
  • "Renaming Files and Folders the Automator Way" AppleMatters 8/15
  • "Replacing Your Lombard or Pismo Optical Drive with a SuperDrive" Low End Mac 8/15
  • "Ask iLounge 8-15-08" iLounge 8/15
  • "Make iPhone stay in UTC Regardless of Current Time Zone" Mac OS X Hints 8/15
  • "10 Must Have iPhone Apps Part 1" Apple Otaku 8:48 PM
  • "Journals week in review: Apple news from Infinite Loop" Ars Technica 10:31 AM
  • "11 things we really hate about Apple iTunes" PC Advisor 10:11 AM
  • "Softpedia Recommended Mac Apps of the Week" Softpedia 10:04 AM
  • "Notes to iPhone syncing on the way?" Appletell 10:02 AM
  • "iPhone App Rundown" G4 10:26 AM
  • "Great Review Site For iPhone Apps" TechCrunch 9:56 AM
  • "Secret Confessions of an iPhone 3G Owner" ExtremeTech 8/15
  • "Dell's secret plan to topple iTunes: gibberish" Inner Daemon 8/15
  • "Dell's new plan is music to your fears" MacUser 8/15
  • "Are Macs More Expensive? Let's Do the Math Once and For All"  Technologizer 8/15
  • "A Little More on Michael Cote and Those 3 Million iPhones" One Infinite Blog 8/15
  • "ABC News, Associated Press propagate iPhone FUD" MacDailyNews 8/15
  • "Business Week has an article on iPhone 3G problems that they say are attributed to an Infineon chip." MacInTouch 8/15
  • "Apple sends the wrong signal to iPhone customers"  Macworld 8/15
  • "Apple's 'Crazy Ones' to Deliver Something Off-the-Charts!"  MacNN 8/15
  • "iPhone Sheds Light on Weakness of Japanese Handset Makers"  Tech-On! 8/15
  • "Is Apple planning a head-mounted display?" Macsimum News 8/15
  • "Mac Bloggers Get Dropped, Get Apps, Get 48 Hours" MacNewsWorld 8/15
  • "Nancy's Nightmare Over?" Rixstep 8/15
  • "Is Apple banking on HSBC to solve the iPhone keyboard conundrum?"  iTWire 8/15
  • "What happens if you break your iPhone 3G?" 8/15
  • "iPhone One Dropped Call Away From Perfection?" Minyanville 8/15
  • "CNET readers share their iPhone 3G stories" CNET 8/15
  • "Will Apple iPhone 3G software update fix reception problems?" Phones Review 8/15
  • "iPhone 3G Connectivity" Rixstep 8/15
  • "Does Google want to expand Android to non-cellphone platforms?" CrunchGear 10:24 AM
  • "Rogers ensures BlackBerry no iPhone killer with Bold pricing" iTWire 9:34 AM
  • "Frontier Daze: When it comes to the Internet we still have to defend ourselves." I, Cringely 8/15
  • "Video-Game Industry Sales Slow In July: Still, the industry as a whole is on track to achieve record-breaking revenues of more than $22 billion for the year, according to analyst researchers with NPD." InformationWeek 8/15
  • "The End Run Around the Operating System Is Under Way" Seeking Alpha 8/15
  • "Seven Client OSes That Could Replace Windows" eWeek 8/15
  • "Search - The 10 Most Innovative Web Search Engines" ["Slideshow"] eWeek 8/15
  • "Need a lesson in picking the perfect back-to-school PC? There are more options than ever, making the task all that much tougher" The Globe and Mail 8/15
  • "The Web Computer: Closed, Secure, and Tightly Controlled" ReadWriteWeb 8/15
  • "Download 'Burnout,' Kill Used Game Sales?" PC Magazine 8/15
  • "IT executives seek pastures new: New research shows nearly 200 IT executives left the UK to find employment abroad last year" 8/15
  • "Supply Chain Management Enterprise Software: And Then There Was None" Seeking Alpha 8/15
  • "Google's Upcoming Phone: More Details" BusinessWeek 8/15
  • "T-Mobile and Android: iAm Glad iDidn't Buy the iPhone" PC World 8/15
  • "First Google Android phone sighting reveals awkward iPhone rival" AppleInsider 8/15
  • "Windows System 7 'nothing like' Macintosh System 7 says Ballmer" The Spoof! 8:33 PM
  • "Bigfoot Found! Mac Tablet May Be Among Artifacts" Cult of Mac 8/15
  • "Rumor: Fake Steve Jobs Spotted At Bay Area Open Mic Night" iPhone Savior 8/15
  • "iPhone 3G Chips, Faster and More Delicious!" iPhone Savior 8/15
Press Releases/Products/Public Relations
  • "Sans Digital debuts 2-bay RAID tower, TR2UT" MacNN 3:14 PM
  • "Powerup with Final Cut Studio Seminars begin 2008 North American Tour" prMac 2:02 PM
  • "Rumor: Seagate to revise FreeAgent drives, add Mac-friendliness?" Gadgetell 1:57 PM
  • "DataCase iPhone App - Turn Your iPhone Into A Wireless Drive!" Propeller 10:42 AM
  • "GroupWise support comes to the Apple iPhone" ZDNet 10:06 AM
  • "Stream Your iTunes To Your iPhone" Gizmodo UK 9:59 AM
  • "New Casio keyboard connects with iPods" Electronista 8/15
  • "Touch-enabled case developed for iPhone 3G: Protect your screen and use your iPhone at the same time" Macworld UK 8/15
  • "George iPod speaker system updates software" Macworld 8/15
  • "App makes stop motion films on iPhone" Macworld 8/15
  • "Glowing Apple iPhone - Muggers Rejoice" GadgetHeat 8/15
  • "Smart Home Automation Interface for iPhone & iPod Touch: CommandFusion announces the release of fully customizable iPhone application for home automation systems." PRWeb 8/15
  • "SIGGRAPH 2008: Bunkspeed CGI made simple" Creative Mac 8/15
  • "Unique Flight /Sports Title 'Clusterball 2' for iPhone Demonstrated -a Flight /Action /Sports offering" Touch Arcade 8/15
  • "Newly released 'Tris' brings Tetris to the iPhone...for free" Touch Arcade 8/15
  • "Qantas to launch iPhone version of website" MacDailyNews 8/15
  • "Flashforward2008 Conference Opens with a Bang; Closes with a Slam" prMac 8/15
Computer Industry
  • "ISO rejects Office Open XML appeal (redux)" The Register 3:41 PM
  • "Is Vista out? Successor Windows 7 coming soon" domain-b 12:14 PM
  • "IBM mulls free desktop software for small laptops" 11:56 AM
  • "Local IBMers heading to Africa as part of Big Blue's Corporate Service Corps" The Journal News 1:46 PM
  • "Graphics cards have AMD at top of its game: Development of powerful hardware unlikely to have impact on company's plans for a plant in Malta, but it does bolster image" Albany Times Union 11:45 AM
  • "Leaked Intel slides reveal 8-core CPUs, AVX instruction set" Engadget 12:05 PM
  • "Outages Force Cloud Computing Users To Rethink Tactics: IT departments scramble to devise backup plans following service disruptions at Amazon, Citrix, and Google." InformationWeek 11:30 AM
  • "Tech giants pitch human rights platform" 3:39 PM
  • "Making Connections: Web 2.0 Creates New Ways for Agents, Home Shoppers to Find Each Other" Washington Post 4:05 PM
  • "Portwell brandishes nano-Atoms and embedded Core 2s" The Inquirer 12:05 PM
  • "CIOs Uncensored: Graduate School For CIO Aspirants: Columbia's mentoring program lets business technology executives pass on the tribal wisdom." InformationWeek 11:33 AM
  • "Voice Over Wi-Fi Holds ROI Promise: Want to reduce the king's ransom you pay to your cellular carrier every month? Look to the WLAN." InformationWeek 11:30 AM
  • "C. Lester Hogan, Physicist Who Fought Motorola, Dies at 88" New York Times 11:21 AM
  • "Web users demand privacy, then give it up" Salon 3:52 PM
  • "Google India in legal tangles" domain-b 12:15 PM
  • "Q&A/Technology: E-mail services, a broken double-click" Seattle Times 3:45 PM
  • "Will the T-Mobile Deal Help Make Google Android Real?" Seeking Alpha 12:13 PM
  • "Who Will Be Your Next CIO: An Insider Or An Outsider? Internal candidates are insular and inexperienced, external ones are overburdened with expectations and don't know the ropes. What's the best way to replace a CIO? Two words: Think ahead." InformationWeek 11:32 AM
  • "Time To Halt Runaway VM Sprawl: Companies creating virtual machines without governance and change management equivalent to physical servers are headed for trouble." InformationWeek 11:31 AM
  • "Effective SOA Requires Intermediaries: ESB, design-time governance, runtime management, and XML security gateways are must-haves for SOA. Or are they?" InformationWeek 11:31 AM
  • "Rolling Review: Web 2.0 Tools Demand A Cautious Approach" InformationWeek 11:29 AM
Finances (Click heading for current Apple Stock price.)
Apple News
  • "Google pipped - Apple the new king of Silicon Valley as market value overtakes hi-tech rival: The sleek, touchscreen iPhone has proved so lucrative for Apple that the electronic gadgets manufacturer has unseated Google to become the most valuable company in America's cradle of technological innovation, Silicon Valley."  The Guardian 8/15
  • "Apple's New Groove: It's Jobs Vs. The Google Twins In Market-Cap Battle" New York Post 8/15
  • "Former Apple counsel Nancy Heinen to settle SEC stock-option suit" Los Angeles Times 8/15
  • "Ex-Apple lawyer in options deal" BBC 8/15
  • "Taking a Bite from SIRI's Apple Connection Enthusiasm" Seeking Alpha 8/15
  • "Apple Inc: The objective at $180 was reached and prices are testing the resistance. Next objective $190. I am positive on AAPL but I would not be a buyer here. Risk reward does not look fine as supports are too far to establish a stop loss." Short-Term Trading 8/15
Industry News
  • "For Tech, Boost From Weak Dollar May Be Waning" Barron's 12:35 PM
  • "Tech Stocks Provide Safe Haven in Downturn" Seeking Alpha 8/15
  • "Tech Stocks: Vishay offer for International Rectifier leads tech action/Technology stocks were mostly on the rise in early trading Friday, with International Rectifier Corp. soaring as much as 20% after Vishay Intertechnology Inc. made a $1.6 billion bid for the power-management chip maker." MarketWatch 8/15
  • "Stocks struggle as oil slumps: Strong dollar helps market, but falling commodity prices have a mixed impact." CNNMoney 8/15
  • "Stocks flat as retailers offset energy shares" Reuters 8/15
  • "Commodities Continue to Plunge, While Stocks and Dollar Move Up" 8/15
  • "Asia Markets: Shanghai, Tokyo rise, but end with weekly losses/Resource stocks hit hard; exporters, shipping stocks advance" MarketWatch 8/15
  • "Europe Markets: Exporters help European shares to modest gains/Gold futures, crude-oil in retreat again; EADS shares advance" MarketWatch 8/15

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